Eye Exams: Not Just For Vision Problems

Whether or not you have vision problems, it’s important to visit your eye doctor for an annual checkup as part of your overall preventive care and wellness regimen. Regular eye exams can detect early warning signs of glaucoma, high blood pressure and diabetes. During your next visit, you may also want to upgrade your sunglasses (prescription or not) now that summer is here. You’ll be out in the sun more and it’s important to protect your eyes from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Your sunglasses should absorb and block 99 to 100% of Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) light. These light rays can cause cancers, cataracts and premature wrinkles around the eyes.

The Fund has you, and your eye health, covered. The Fund provides vision care benefits for you and your family through an arrangement with VSP. You receive discounted services and better coverage when you use a VSP provider. Your annual eye exam is covered in full and you will pay discounted amounts for lenses, frames and contact lenses. For example, you can save 20% on a complete pair of prescription glasses and sunglasses, including lens enhancements. Here’s how to get the most out of your benefit:

  • Register at To get started, click on the “Create an Account” link at the top of the page. As a registered user, you can review your benefit coverage, search for providers and print an ID card.
  • Find an eye care provider. You can use a VSP doctor, a participating retail chain or any out-of-network provider; however, you’ll pay less when you use a VSP provider. To find participating providers, visit or call 800-877-7195.
  • Tell your provider you have VSP. There’s no ID card necessary; however, registered users can print one from the website.

Visit the Vision Benefits page for more information about the Fund’s VSP Vision Care Plan.